The Sage Observer

The Sage Observer

September 13, 2024
Doubt is an uncomfortable condition, but certainty is a ridiculous one.

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Maui Fires Reveal a Brutal and Coordinated Conspiracy

Maui Fires Reveal a Brutal and Coordinated Conspiracy

As we cross the one month anniversary of the deadly Maui fires (which nearly coincides with the 22-year anniversary of 9/11), let's not allow the mainstream media to memory hole the real facts of the situation. The fires that began on Aug. 8 destroyed the historic port town of Lahaina and have thus far claimed an official death toll of 115, making it the deadliest U.S. "wildfire" in over a century. However, that may be significantly underreported, as over 1,000...

Deconstructing the 1918 “Spanish Flu” Pandemic – Part 3: The Little-Known Origins of the Germ Theory Fraud

Deconstructing the 1918 “Spanish Flu” Pandemic – Part 3: The Little-Known Origins of the Germ Theory Fraud

It was merely a few decades prior to the 1918 pandemic when the rivalry between two of the preeminent microbiologists in modern history, Louis Pasteur and Antoine Béchamp, reached its apex. The Frenchman Pasteur is considered the chief proponent of the seemingly infallible germ theory, which forms the crux of modern medicine. The theory was very controversial when it was first proposed...

Transhumanism: A Vision of a Bright Future—or a Frightening Dystopia?

Transhumanism: A Vision of a Bright Future—or a Frightening Dystopia?

Transhumanism is a loosely defined worldwide philosophical movement that aims to fundamentally transform the human condition through the use of technologies that significantly enhance our intellectual, physical, and psychological capabilities. It seeks to realize a posthuman condition. Essentially, this movement is about replacing the organic consciousness of humans with artificially intelligent hybrids or cyborgs.